Dear IDUN/EPIC GPU users,
The EPIC/IDUN is a fantastic research tool. Since 2017 more than 28 international publications within a wide range of fields from NTNU/SINTEF has involved the use of the IDUN/EPIC GPGPU resources. To keep IDUN/EPIC updated and hopefully add resources we, all users and NTNU IT, need to be able to document what a fantastic research tool we have.
To keep track of scientific use of the machine we (IDI and NTNU IT) have an arXiv paper that describes the research infrastructure and list the scientific contributions that included IDUN/EPIC. However, to be able to keep track we need you all to include the reference (in paper or acknowledgement). Such a reference enables us to document, and there by argue for support for maintenance and new investments in our research tool.
Please help to ensure that a reference in papers, PhD thesis and master projects is in included.
Reference to IDUN/EPIC:
title = {{{EPIC}}: {{An Energy}}-{{Efficient}}, {{High}}-{{Performance GPGPU Computing Research Infrastructure}}},
shorttitle = {{{EPIC}}},
author = {Sj{\"a}lander, Magnus and Jahre, Magnus and Tufte, Gunnar and Reissmann, Nico},
year = {2019},
month = dec,
archivePrefix = {arXiv},
eprint = {1912.05848},
eprinttype = {arxiv},
file = {/home/joh/.zotero/zotero/ga2rhggk.default/zotero/storage/BFIBWT2D/Själander et al. - 2019 - EPIC An Energy-Efficient, High-Performance GPGPU .pdf;/home/joh/.zotero/zotero/ga2rhggk.default/zotero/storage/XTB8TZRF/1912.html},
journal = {arXiv:1912.05848 [cs]},
keywords = {Computer Science - Distributed; Parallel; and Cluster Computing},
primaryClass = {cs}
Link to paper:
Gunnar Tufte
(Project coordinator for EPIC/IDUN at IE/IDI)