Use compute nodes to connect from Visual Studio Code.
NOTE: Please avoid connecting directly to login nodes:
Running processing, compilation, …. will create issues for other IDUN users on login nodes.
Running processing, compilation, …. will create issues for other IDUN users on login nodes.
Allocate compute node for connection
Use command "salloc" to start job on a compute node. Example below will run:
- on 1 compute node
- will use 2 CPU cores and 4 GB memory
- job will jun for 10 hours.
[USERNAME@idun-login2 ~]$ salloc --account=support --nodes=1 --cpus-per-task=2 --mem=4G --partition=CPUQ --time=00:30:00
salloc: Nodes idun-02-25 are ready for job
Node idun-02-25 was allocated. This command can be users to connect compute node. You'll need to enter your password twice:
ssh -A -J USERNAME@idun-02-25
Install "Remote - SSH" extension
Open Extensions > Search for "Remote SSH" > Install
Click the connect icon in the left bottom corner. Click "Connect to Host... Remote-SSH"
Add host:
Paste "ssh" command. Press Enter:
Select a configuration file to save new connection. Press Enter:
New windows will be opened. Enter your password two times. Press Enter.