Parallel Python using mpi4py on Idun/epic cluster.
- Intel/2019a on Idun (mpi4py is installed)
- Tensorflow for GPUs and OpenMPI (mpi4py is installed) on EPIC
Parallel Python using mpi4py on Idun/epic cluster.
Intel/2019a on Idun (mpi4py is installed)
module load intel/2019a
module load SciPy-bundle/2019.03
(Python 3.7.2 is loaded and mpi4py is installed)
Example code (
from mpi4py import MPI comm=MPI.COMM_WORLD myrank=comm.Get_rank() ranksize=comm.Get_size() print("hello world from rank {}, of {} ranks".format(myrank,ranksize))
Job script (
#!/bin/bash #SBATCH -J job # sensible name for the job #SBATCH -N 2 # Allocate 2 nodes for the job #SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1 # 1 task per node #SBATCH -c 20 #SBATCH -t 00:10:00 # Upper time limit for the job #SBATCH -p CPUQ module load intel/2019a module load SciPy-bundle/2019.03 mpirun python3
(Python 3.7.2 is loaded and mpi4py is installed)
Start job:
Tensorflow for GPUs and OpenMPI (mpi4py is installed) on EPIC
module load fosscuda/2019a
module load TensorFlow/1.13.1-Python-3.7.2
Example code (
from mpi4py import MPI import tensorflow as tf comm=MPI.COMM_WORLD myrank=comm.Get_rank() ranksize=comm.Get_size() print("hello world from rank {}, of {} ranks".format(myrank,ranksize)) if tf.device("/gpu:0"): print("GPU implementet")
Job script (
#!/bin/bash #SBATCH -J job # Sensible name for the job #SBATCH -N 2 # Allocate 2 nodes for the job #SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1 # 1 task per node #SBATCH --gres=gpu:1 ##SBATCH -c 20 #SBATCH -t 00:10:00 # Upper time limit for the job #SBATCH -p GPUQ module load fosscuda/2019a module load TensorFlow/1.13.1-Python-3.7.2 time mpirun python3
(Python 3.7.2 is loaded and mpi4py is installed)
Start job: