Anaconda is a distribution of the Python and R programming languages for scientific computing, that aims to simplify package management and deployment. People like using Anaconda Python because it simplifies package deployment and it also comes with a large number of libraries/packages.
These commands will add lines to the file “.bashrc” in your home directory. So next login Anaconda is activated by default. That can affect other Python applications.
1. Use Anaconda via modules
We recommend to try Anaconda releases that are already installed on the cluster.
This command can list available Anaconda releases (at the moment of writing).
$ module avail Anaconda
To start using one of these modules use this command:
$ module load Anaconda3/2022.10
(base) [ idun ~]$
(base) [ idun ~]$ python -V
Python 3.9.13
You can deactivate the environment with this command:
conda deactivate
Are you missing some packages? Create a new environment and install packages. Create file environment.yml. Example :
name: MyStaff
- conda-forge
- defaults
- shapely=1.8.0
- plotly=5.6.0
- pip:
- sdeint==0.2.2
- great-circle-calculator==1.2.0
Build environment (replace [USERNAME] with your cluster user name):
conda env create --prefix /cluster/home/[USERNAME]/MyEnv1 -f environment.yml
Use new environment:
conda activate /cluster/home/[USERNAME]/MyEnv1
(/cluster/home/[USERNAME]/MyEnv1) [ idun ~]$
2. Install your own Anaconda in your home directory.
Your own Anaconda installation will use disk space and especially a lot of file. Every user on IDUN have disk quota limit: disk usage and number of files.