The end of the year has seen quite some investment from different entities at NTNU. We have new shareholders and current shareholders confirming and/or extending their share:
Department of Energy and Process Technology:
Increased their share by 56 cores.
Department of Computer Science:
Increased their share by 40 cores and 26 V100 32Gb GPUs.
Department of Mathematical Science:
Increased their share by 28 cores and 2 V100 16Gb GPUs.
Department of Physics:
They became a new shareholder with 120 cores.
TEM Gemini Centre:
They became a new shareholder with 28 cores and 2 V100 16Gb GPUs.
Department of Material Science and Engineering:
They confirmed their share of 40 cores.
Kavli Institute of Systems Neuroscience:
They became a new shareholder with 56 cores.
The Faculty of Natural Science is the only shareholder that reduced their share, from 160 to 40 cores.
In total, the investment in Idun by the end of last year was ca. 5 MNOK.
The HPC group invested into the backbone of the cluster with ca. 500 kNOK, buying a new infiniband switch, renewing all ethernet switches, and updating the hardware support for the Lustre file system.
A complete overview of all shareholders and their corresponding share in the cluster can be found at
We wish all parties happy computing!